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Magic Molly is a potato variety that originated in Alaska and is known for its deep purple skin and flesh. The tubers can be oblong or blocky, and grow to over 6 inches long. They have a waxy texture and an earthy flavor that's enhanced when barbecued. 


Magic Molly potatoes are low in starch and retain their color well, even after cooking. They can be prepared in many ways, including boiled, baked, or steamed. Roasting brings out their woodsy, earthy undertones. 


Magic Molly is an indeterminate variety, meaning they will have a longer growing season and produce more potatoes per plant.



  • Disease resistant to scab
  • Opening pollinated 
  • Medium yield
  • Stores well
  • Late season 85-115 days 


  • Light Requirements: 


    Full sun is best. However, we have had success in part sun. 


    Water Requirements:


    Potatoes enjoy moist soil. 1-2 inches of water per week is suggested. 


    Soil Requirements:


    Potatoes like loose, deep, well drained slightly acidic soil (pH 4.8-5.5). Go light on nitrogen applications, as this can lead to abundant foliage, but lower quality tubers that mature later. We suggest 140-150 lbs of nitrogen/acre is average.


    When & How to Plant:


    Plant your potatoes 1-2 weeks before the last frost date in spring.  If you cut and divide your larger seeds to maximize your purchase, each piece of the tuber should have at least one eye (dormant bud), and planted facing up. Cut the tubers a day or two early in order for the skin to dry before planting. 






    We prefer "chitting" our potatoes prior to planting. Chances are your potatoes already arrived with sprouts coming out of them, which means you are ahead of the game. The goal with chitting is to encourage the potatoes to produce strong, short, green shoots, or "chits", before planting. This process has helped our crops mature faster after planting, and has resulted in an earlier harvest with greater yields.




    Once plants reach 6 inches tall but before they begin to flower, gardeners should start the hilling process. This helps prevent potato sunburn, which creates a chemical called solanine that turns the potato green. Solanine is toxic, so do not eat green potatoes. This process needs to be done every few weeks throughout the potato’s growing season.


    Owner's favorite way to grow potatoes:


    I personally love using straw as a mulch. Not only does this pratice cut down on water use by preventing moisture loss through evaporation, it also keeps the soil an even cool temperature, it shields the sun, and feeds helpful micro organisms in the ground. The look or feel of straw isnt for everybody, but I find it charming. Just make sure there are no seeds in the straw. 

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